Search Engine Optimization - SEO Services

Customers often rely on search engines to find solutions to their needs. We work to ensure that your business appears at the top of their search results, increasing visibility and outranking your competitors.

Our Search Engine Optimization - SEO Services

Effective SEO is not just about maximum visibility, but about being in the right place at the right time when potential customers are searching. We use our extensive knowledge and expertise to develop a personalized and actionable SEO strategy tailored to your business needs and goals.

SEO Audit

Our team conducts a thorough analysis of how search engines and users interact with your website, looking into key elements such as keywords, mobile loading speed, sitemaps, redirects and more. As a result, you receive a comprehensive and easy-to-understand audit report that includes specific recommendations for improving your website's SEO, thus enhancing your website's visibility in search engine results.

Keyword Research

We develop a comprehensive keyword strategy for your business by identifying the intersection of what your customers are searching for and what your business offers. This approach enables us to discover the ideal keywords that drive potential customers to the most relevant pages on your website, increasing the chances of conversion and sales.

Page Optimization

Our team ensures that your business stays competitive in today's search-driven world by optimizing your content. We use a combination of techniques such as including relevant keywords, semantic optimization, expanding the content, using schema markup and internal linking to boost the visibility and reach of your content to a wider audience.

Site Launch Support

Prior to launching a website, our team evaluates it to ensure adherence to best practices in SEO. We aim to boost your brand's visibility and search ranking, avoiding common pitfalls that could harm it. Our custom SEO launch strategies not only maintain but also grow your website's organic traffic after launch, providing you with a solid foundation for your website and future SEO efforts

WordPress SEO

Our team ensures that your WordPress website is optimized for search engines, resulting in higher rankings and targeted traffic to your site. Keep in mind that choosing a WordPress theme alone doesn't guarantee that your website is following SEO best practices, our experts will analyze and make recommendations to optimize your website and improve visibility in search engine results.

Shopify SEO

Maximize your e-commerce potential with our Shopify SEO services. Our team of experts will work with you to optimize your website for search engines, drive more traffic, and increase conversions using the leading e-commerce platform, Shopify

Our Service Delivery Process

Website audit: A comprehensive analysis of the client's website, including a review of the technical aspects, content, and user experience, to identify any issues that may be affecting their search engine rankings

Keyword research: Identifying the keywords and phrases that the target audience is searching for and incorporating them into the client's website and content.

Content creation: Developing and curating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that aligns with the client's business goals and target audience.

Local SEO: Optimizing the client's website for local search by implementing best practices such as Google My Business listing and local citations.

Analytics and reporting: Tracking, analyzing, and reporting on the performance of the client's SEO efforts and making data-driven decisions for optimization and improvement.

Continuous improvement: Continuously monitoring, analyzing, and adjusting the client's SEO strategy to ensure that it is meeting their goals and achieving desired results

On-page optimization: Optimizing the client's website for search engines by implementing best practices such as meta tags, header tags, and keyword-rich content.

Off-page optimization: Building high-quality inbound links to the client's website to improve their search engine rankings

Why Choose Chess Digital Media Marketing?

Looking for a partner that can bring your brand's story to life and drive customers through the sales funnel? Look no further! We specialize in creating a cohesive narrative that aligns with your brand and guides customers from awareness to purchase. Our expertise covers all aspects of the customer journey, ensuring that your brand is well-positioned to succeed in today's competitive market.


Efficiency and effectiveness are at the core of our approach. Our agency is results-oriented, meaning we focus on getting the job done instead of prolonged meetings or flashy presentations. We understand that your team values a hands-on approach and strive to identify the most impactful tactics to achieve your goals and objectives. With our guidance, you can be confident that your marketing efforts will yield positive results

Holistic Approach

Maximizing your ROI requires a holistic approach, targeting multiple ads isn't enough. Our team will work with you to create a comprehensive online marketing strategy that includes targeted advertising as a key component. We'll ensure that all elements of your advertising campaign are cohesive, aligned with your brand message and resonate with your target audience. This approach increases the chances of engagement and conversion, ultimately leading to better ROI.

High-Quality Creative

To have a successful social media marketing strategy, it's important to have a compelling narrative and visually appealing content. Our team uses a combination of video, images, graphics, and illustrations to make your social media feed interesting and engaging for your audience. We also make sure that our content is on-brand and relevant to your audience, we will also provide you with a consistent and engaging content that will foster interaction, engagement and ultimately help you achieve your business goals

Website Optimization

Our experts analyze the overall performance of your website and identify areas for improvement. We cover all aspects of your website including main navigation, footer, sitemap and URL structure to ensure it follows the best practices recommended by Google, Bing, and Yahoo. With our optimization recommendations, your website's visibility in search engines will improve, resulting in higher traffic and better performance.

Technical SEO

Our team conducts a thorough review of nine key SEO elements including indexability, URL structure, content structure, site structure, site speed, mobile-friendliness, trustworthiness, accessibility, and analytics. After the review, you will receive a detailed report with prioritized recommendations, as well as regular check-ups to ensure that all changes are implemented correctly and your website's SEO is running smoothly.

Google Analytics

Our team ensures that your business has accurate data by assisting you in setting up or properly configuring Google Analytics (including GA4), Google Tag Manager and Google Search Console. By having these tools properly set-up and configured, you can trust the data and measure the performance of your website. This enables you to make informed decisions and improve your website's visibility and search engine performance.

Do you want more SEO traffic?
Frequently Asked Questions

Take a look at our response to several of our most common SEO services questions to see whether or not Chess Digital Media Marketing is the perfect partner for your brand.

  • Which business do you provide services for?

    We work with companies of all sizes, adapting our services to suit the unique needs and goals of each client. Small businesses benefit from our ability to scale down our services, while larger organizations, with more complex processes or regulations, can rely on our ability to tailor SEO programs to their specific requirements, providing them with the insights they need to report progress to their management.

  • Do you provide any free SEO evaluations or services?

    Absolutely. The first step is to have a consultation to assess if our services align with your needs. Once we move forward, we will conduct a thorough analysis of your website, competitors and data to provide you with a comprehensive SEO strategy that outlines the steps to improve your website's visibility and search engine ranking, providing you with a clear path to reaching your business goals

  • Don't you think a full SEO assessment is the best place to start?

    It depends on your specific needs. Many brands approach us for an SEO audit, as it's a common industry best practice. However, a full audit may not always be necessary. We will evaluate your specific requirements and determine if a more focused troubleshooting of a specific issue, or an overview of technical red flags, would suffice instead. Our goal is to provide you with the most effective solution tailored to your business needs.

  • What are my options if I lack a technical expert to execute the recommendations?

    We are happy to provide a quote for our services, including any additional fees associated with implementing them, to ensure you have a clear understanding of the total cost for the project.

  • Can you accommodate targeting more complex demographics and industries?

    Our experience in delivering targeted, nuanced messaging to specific audiences makes us well-suited to help businesses with niche target audiences, highly technical topics, and long sales cycles effectively communicate their message and reach their desired audience.

  • Do you have the capability to work with other Content Management Systems other than WordPress & Shopify?

    Definitely! We have a wide range of experience with various website platforms beyond WordPress and Shopify, including Magento, Netsuite, Drupal, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Hubspot, Joomla, and more. Our expertise extends even to custom-built or proprietary platforms, ensuring we can provide our services to businesses of all sizes and technical needs.

  • What should we do if we lack resources to create new content?

    Don't worry, we've got you covered! We have a well-established content development process and a team of skilled writers to help you create and optimize your website content that will attract your target audience and improve your SEO performance.

  • Do you have expertise in optimizing off-site platforms like Amazon, YouTube, Social Media Platforms, or Google My Business?

    Absolutely, we can help you with that. A key aspect of great SEO is to appear wherever your customers are searching, be it on a search engine like Google, e-commerce platform like Amazon or social media platforms. Our team is equipped with the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve this.

  • What are the benefits of choosing a flexible SEO program over the SEO packages offered by other companies?

    At our agency, we understand the appeal of pre-packaged SEO services with their clear pricing and simple options. However, we have learned through experience that achieving significant SEO results requires a tailored approach, not a one-size-fits-all package. Our SEO program is flexible and results-focused, allowing us to adapt and optimize strategies for your specific needs.

  • What indicators do you track to evaluate the success of my SEO program?

    To measure the success of your SEO program, we track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, search engine rankings, lead generation, conversion rates, and customer engagement. We also regularly monitor your site's technical SEO elements, such as indexability, URL structure, and mobile-friendliness, to identify and resolve any issues that may be impacting your search visibility. Additionally, we utilize tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console to gain valuable insights into your audience behavior and site performance. By closely monitoring these metrics, we can make data-driven decisions and adapt our strategy to optimize your program for maximum ROI

  • Can you give a rough estimate for the cost of your SEO services?

    The cost of our SEO services can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of your business. Our retainers start at KES 20,000 per month and can go up to KES100,000 per month, tailored to your unique requirements.